Something "fresh" and "original" by SideShow to balance out all the Iron Man milking they are doing with Hot Toys, here we have "Court of the Dead". So original, that there are no official story yet! Check out the video to see glimpse of behind the scenes sneak peek of beautiful masterpieces you can expect to be released soon by SideShow as well as some background story behind each unique characters and the environment of "Court of the Dead". Pictures provided above are all available for Pre-Order on SideShowToys.com but some of them are already selling out fast so act quick if you wish to obtain these "deadly" piece of art!
**For Free swags and chance to enter to win the Queen of the Dead Premium Format, click the link below and choose your faction! This is only for limited time and free items are only until while supplies last!
Here are direct links to pre-order currently available Premium Formats on SideShow!
Queen of the Dead
Death's Siren
The Red Death
The Reaper: Death's General
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